The big day is approaching…Cami’s 3rd Birthday! The first year she really gets what birthday’s are all about. She keeps asking, “Is it my birthday party yet?”. So cute. It’s funny to me that she remembers some of her 2nd birthday because she’ll see pictures or things I have stored in the basement from her party and say, “Member mom, my Elmo party?”. LOVE.
When it came to figuring out what the theme was going to be this year, it was a no-brainer. Curious George. Or now known as Curious Cami. 🙂 Pretty sure this was decided last Summer and I ran with it. Cami’s infamous phrase a few months ago was, “What are you doing here?.” Her way of saying what are you doing, but always added in the “here” for some reason. It was the cutest. So she’s a curious little gal + a HUGE Curious George fan…and so it began.
If you know me, the color scheme is always a big thing for me and I don’t like to do the traditional scheme. My original thought was doing the obvious yellow and aqua and throw in some pink and lime for fun. Then I was at a craft show this past Fall and saw a pair of adorable polka dot leg warmers in all of her party colors but they also had some red + brown on them, and I loved how it all looked together…and there you have it. 🙂 I contacted the fabulous Jessica of Pen & Paper Flowers to design a little girly monkey. I love her work and it turned out just perfect! I also knew I wanted to use the popular chevron pattern on the invite to give it a fun and modern feel.
As for the invite, I wanted to do something different than a traditional flat card. So I ordered shimmer red panel pockets. Aren’t they so fun!? Love how they turned out — I mounted the main piece on the front panel and inside the back pocket is a two-sided invite with the info and picture featured on the reverse side. I had the invitation pieces printed on a shimmer white coverstock as well for another girly touch 🙂 Like I mentioned, she is a very curious gal, so I tried to be creative with the invitation and worded the questions with phrases Cami would normally say/ask.
My sister snapped this adorable photo of Cami last month wearing her Curious George hat. I just love it. I added part of the opening theme song verse around the circle – “When everyday is so glorious, then everything is so wonderous..”
I created a matching address wrap and had them printed on a removable sticker paper. My new favorite thing. Address wraps = SO fun and I’m not a even a label person. I’d rather hand-write out envelopes any day over a label for some reason but an address wrap can really spice up an envelope, don’t ‘cha think!?

{above photos taken by Photos by Vitella}
What do you think? I’m kinda in love with it and can’t wait for her party! She’s going to have SO much fun with all of her favorites in one room. And that’s what it’s all about. 🙂 XO, m
I love the red panel pockets. May I ask where you got them?
I love it Michelle!!! will be hot seller 🙂
Love! Everything is so well thought out and just adorable.