A couple of my talented friends brought their little girlies over for a fun Valentine’s Day playdate on Friday. Miss Cami was so excited to play with her “sisters”! Cracks me up! She thinks whenever there are all girls they are her sisters. How cute. She sees pictures from my Merry + Bright kids holiday shoot and she says, “Member, Mom…we had cupcakes with my sisters!”. Gotta love two year olds and their way of thinking 🙂
Anyways, the best part – it barely cost me a thing! Lots of DIY and Target dollar aisle finds 🙂 Oh and these pretty pictures you see – the one girlies mama is the very talented Ellie of Photography Studio 37. The other mama is the fabulous Amy of AMK’s Boutique who made the adorable headbands the girls are wearing and she made the XOXO letters seen on the table. Two very talented mom’s who helped make this little playdate extra special.
I styled this party in full budget mode. I twisted crepe paper to hide my wall that usually holds wall art in my dining room. Everything seen on the table I already had laying around, except for the heart plates – I found those cuties at Target for $2.49 and couldn’t resist. I’m loving my new white cake stand with red edging I got as a gift for Christmas. I decorated my black corner cabinet last month for Valentine’s Day using my Target dollar aisle finds. You can read about all that here.
The girls decorated the mini mailboxes found in the Target dollar aisle using little gems and hearts also found in the dollar section. It was such a fun little project and perfect for their ages (2+4). I wrapped plastic milk bottles in twine and added a fun striped paper straw. My very talented friend Ann made the adorable sugar cookies! Aren’t they FAB?! You can’t have a party without Lillycakes so I simply stuck them in my fake flower arrangement for a nice little centerpiece. OK, so the flower arragements I stole from my mom’s house the day before – hehe. OK, enough talking lets begin with the details…
OK, enough details right, most importantly, the girlies had a blast and that’s what it’s all about! 🙂 Aren’t they just the cutest in their *golden* tees and full Valentine’s Day gear!?
Aren’t they sweet? Thanks so much for coming girls, it was SUCH a fun day!
Miss Addison + Amy
Miss Mindy + Ellie
Miss Camryn + Me 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day my sweet readers! XO, m
Styling/Printables: I DO invitations by michelle
Photography: Ellie Piper of Photography Studio 37
Headbands + XOXO Letters: AMK’s Boutique
Tees: *golden*
Cake Pops: Lillycakes
Tissue Heart Fan/Straws/Milk Bottles: Shop Sweet Lulu
Red Chevron Table Runner: A to Zebra Celebrations
Cami’s Necklace: Miss CoCo Designs
{Linking up}
This is so much fun! The girls had a ball – love all your decorating touches, Michelle!
Pure Bliss!! Love it. Happy Valentine’s Day
So super cute, Michelle! The colors are gorgeous and I love all the details that made it so sweet for the kids! And speaking of, those kids are just too precious! ♥
Aww thanks so much everyone! The girls had a blast 🙂
Just too tickly cute!! You are helping to make memories they will always remember!!
Another homerun. You continue to amaze me. Will you be my mom?? xoxo
LOVE it! Absolute PURE Fun!